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Lavender Oil - Oil of Beauty

Lavender is a herb plan, originated in the coastal hills of the Mediterranean and was spread throughout Europe by the Romans. Many species of lavender are grown for decorative uses but some are also used as culinary herbs and for production of essential oils.

Lavender is cultivated mainly for the extraction on Lavender essential oil. Lavender also got its name from the shade of the special flowers of Lavandula officinalis. English lavender yields a highly effective essential oil with very sweet overtones that can be used in balms, salves, perfumes, cosmetics, and topical applications.

Use of Lavender Essential Oil

Facial Steam

Lavender oil can be used in facial steams to experience better results. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and some rose petals to the warm water. Cover your head with towel and take the steam for ten to fifteen minutes. Sprinkle cold water on face after this and pat dry.


Get rid of blackheads by applying lavender oil to the affected area. For this, mix 2 drops of lavender oil with four drops of tea-tree oil and rub gently on blackheads. Lavender oil is already embedded
in our Allure Skin Moisturizing soap.



This essential oil also promotes cell renewal, It contains many health benefits for skin problems. According to the Archives of Dermatology,  lavender oil can control your hair fall, Not only will this remedy help you for hair growth. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants that helps to fight against the harmful effects of pollutants on the skin.


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