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*Tips on How to Get Beautiful, Glowing Skin*

 Over the course of the day, makeup, dirt, and oil build up on your face. Make cleansing your skin part of your bedtime routine.

 Remember that you want to clean your skin, not completely strip it of all oils — if it feels tight and dry after washing, you're using something too strong. Recommend Tribute Allure Organic toning soap or Allure skin moisturizing and skin repair soap
Using a washcloth or rag to roughly wipe your skin clean can irritate it more. Instead, bend your face over the sink, cup your hands together, and bring up small amounts of water to splash over your face. About 10 splashes should do it.

  Don't roughly rub your skin dry with a towel. Instead, dry it with small, gentle pats or let it air dry.

  Using lotion in the morning acts as a primer for your makeup, helping it "stick" to your face throughout the day. Moisturizing at night helps your skin repair itself and stave off wrinkles. 

👉 EXFOLIATE ONCE A WEEK *since ve started using allure toning soap I don't need to exfoliate* anyway it's important for people with rough face ,  If your skin tends to be dry and flaky, a weekly exfoliation can clear out dead skin cells. 

  Aim to get 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. The water will clear your skin and make it glow because it makes it easier for your body to flush out toxins quickly.
      Healthy proteins and nutritious fruits and vegetables go a long way toward making skin glow

  Try to consume less than 45g of sugar on a daily basis, and cut down on salty foods. Eating too much salt can make your face look bloated.


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