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Make the Most Out Of Your Beauty Products

Half-used conditioner? Almost empty lipstick? Mascara that’s run its course? We love our beauty products, but hate when it’s time to say goodbye. To make your favourites last even longer, read on for some expert tips. Your wallet (and face!) will thank you.

Utilize those last few drops of your favourite foundation by adding a dab of face moisturiser. For foundation, pour a little moisturiser inside the bottle, shake well and apply. For bronzing powder,
combine both for your very own tinted moisturiser.

You may think that tube is long gone, but chances are, it’s not! Using a cotton swab (not your finger!), scoop out the last remnants and apply as you normally would to your lips. Or, if you want to be extra economical, dab a bit on the apples of your cheeks for a cream blush that works wonders.

Want silky smooth legs, but ran out of your usual shaving cream? Trust us, that half-used bottle of hair conditioner works as a luxurious treat and provides great glide.

Sure, you should change mascara every 3 months, but that doesn’t mean you should forgo the wand. Simply place used mascara wands in the dishwasher to give them new life. You can use them for grooming your brows or taming flyaway hair near your hairline.

Got products with pump dispensers? Use the stem of the pump to extend their lifespan further. Simply scrape the inside of the bottle and then apply to your hand. You’ll be surprised to learn how much is still in there. You can also cut the bottle in half with a pair of scissors.


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